Kauai Photography: Creating a Zen Space for Deep Peace
Kauai photography in your home, offsite office, or home office can bring much-needed tranquility into your life. The non-vacation world, which we’ll call “the real world” for simplicity, overflows with countless obstacles, to-do lists, and unexpected, often unpleasant events. These variables take you away from the supreme serenity felt on that quiet Kauai beach or another slice of paradise.
So, how do you restore the peace felt on vacation and bring it into your hectic day-to-day life? One way is through hanging fine art Kauai photography in your real-world spaces. This Kauai art becomes an anchor to the present moment, and you can use it to enter Zen whenever you like.
Zen and the Art of Relaxation
An essay on Zen by the Metropolitan Museum of Art states, “Zen teaches that enlightenment is achieved through the profound realization that one is already an enlightened being.”
For many, the idea is enlightenment is achieved through tapping into the eternal present moment. When you introduce Kauai photography into your surroundings, by contemplating the artwork, you center yourself in the present while at the same time reliving the Zen felt on that picturesque Hawaiian getaway.
Hanging Kauai artwork like Fiery Beach Sunset in your home or office is a direct gateway into the Zen-like peace we seek. Our attention cannot ignore the vivid colors reflecting off the cloud ceiling onto the calm waters below. Imagine a stressful phone call or meeting with this piece in your peripheral. Lending enough attention to it brings you into the present, clearing your mind and providing you with the equanimity necessary to perform at an optimal level.
In Broken Glass, we observe soothing Kauai photography of a wave breaking in glassy morning conditions. Kauai artwork like this is the embodiment of peace. Whether your favorite vacation memories are from Hawaii or another beach location, adding Broken Glass to your wall art collection is a portal to those treasured good vibes and an easy way to enter Zen and connect with your surroundings and those around you.
The Wisdom of Animals + Kauai Photography
Like us, many animals, to an extent, remember their pasts and fear the future, but according to the article Do animals live in the present?: Current evidence and implications for welfare, “There is no doubt that many types of animals live in the present to an extent which is hard for a human being to conceive.”
While we often find ourselves dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, many species are fully in the moment, experiencing reality in its purest, unadulterated form. This grace, this serenity that comes with living fully in the moment, is unrivaled.
As you browse through our curated collections to create your Zen space, consider adding the awe-inspiring Humpback Breach off Poipu pictured above as a reminder that we can feel at ease anytime we choose to enter Zen through this very moment. Of Humpback Breach off Poipu Latitudes artist Steve Munch, based out of our Kauai art gallery, said:
The experts believe they breach for multiple reasons—to send out sound, to attract others, to let other whales know where they’re at, and to knock off crustaceans. Plus, it just feels fun to fly.
It’s amazing to see a 65-foot whale breach—when they hit, it’s unbelievable. And that particular breach isn’t overly common. The whales typically go more horizontal. They don’t typically go that vertical. As far as whale breach shots go, it’s one of the best I’ve shot and one of the best I’ve seen as far as position. I’ve shot countless breaching whales where the whale comes full body out, but they go horizontal quickly. But in Humpback Breach off Poipu, it was so vertical that he was almost straight up and down. It really shows you the power. The muscles in the whale’s tail are the strongest of any animal on the planet.
Very rarely do you see a vertical breach with your camera out and ready to capture it.
When you choose this hypnotic piece, you not only obtain a wildly rare moment of fine art Kauai photography, but you’ll also have a constant reminder of the importance of play. As Steve noted, one of the many reasons for such a breach is that “It just feels fun to fly.”
Captured within a sea cave on the North Shore of Kauai, Open Ceiling Inside is a wonderful example of spellbinding Kauai photography. The symbolism here is abundant, but for our purposes, let's stick to Zen and how this piece can bring calm into your daily life.
As an exercise, let's actively engage with the artwork. Let's allow the calm water to represent our true selves, free from worry, regret, or anything short of deep peace. The water is us just as we are when anchored to the present. Then, let's allow the jagged walls of the sea cave to represent our overactive minds running a mile a minute—monkey minds jumping from branch to branch, restless and distracted.
Finally, the blue sky and warm sun through the cave's higher opening reveal the wide-open freedom of our authentic, fully present selves, unencumbered by our habitual slipping into chaotic thoughts of the past or the future. Hang Open Ceiling Inside in your space, allowing it to serve as a constant reminder of the calm available to you within every moment.
We’ve only scratched the surface of the wide range of fine art photography available in our Kauai art gallery, Ventura art gallery, and here online. Take the time to explore our photographic collections to find the pieces that speak to you. Then, book a free virtual consultation with our masterful designer to help create your dream Zen space.