The Artists

Steve Munch
A life long surfer, diver and former commercial fisherman, Steve Munch has spent his life in, on or near the ocean.
He was inspired to take photos in 2004 because of the imagery in his favorite surf magazines. Despite no formal training, Steve was determined to photograph ocean life as he saw it, and devoured the technical details of the images he loved, until he nailed the look for himself.
It is this unwaivering vision that allowed Steve to develop a style that is unique and captivating.

Stephanie Hogue
I seek to create photographic interpretations that inspire one to pause, take a closer look and see something ordinary in a new way or something extraordinary for the first time. Connecting us to the beauty that surrounds us and ultimately connecting us to each other. I love the visual arts for the fact that it can transcend language and culture, and cultivate inspiration.