Your office is many things. It’s a place of inspiration and productivity but also stress. At times it’s quiet and peaceful. Others it’s fast-paced and overflowing with action. Because offices are all these things and more, choosing the right office wall art is key to amplifying positive emotions and quieting those less positive. By selecting the best pieces, you set yourself and your entire team up for success.
To help you choose the right art, we put together this collection of office wall art ideas. It will make your office, whether inside the home or at a separate location, a welcoming place where inspiration, calm, efficiency, and joy reign supreme.
1. Office Wall Art to Keep You Inspired
Rested, refreshed, and ready to go, the workday starts with high levels of productivity for many people. For others, it takes a bit longer to fire on all cylinders. Either way, we all hit a wall at some point in the day and need to look inward and outward to find the inspiration we need to perform our best.
Professional office wall art like Sunrise Cauldron is an ideal piece to inspire. The fiery sunrise will provide the motivation your team needs to succeed at any hour of the workday. The numerous water channels finding a way through jagged rocks to fill the refreshing blue water pool is another source of encouragement. It silences that inner voice that tells us we’re too tired and out of gas long before our internal tank is truly empty.
One look at fine art photography like this taps into raw power inside each of us. If we pull from this source as needed, the day is ours.
2. Stay Cool
Office life is hectic, to say the least. While it’s a place of friendship and collaboration and often brings out the best in us, it is all too easy to give in to stressful emotions and allow them to drain our energy and guide our actions. Staying cool in high-pressure situations is a vital ingredient to the success of any office.
One way to keep the inner peace is by hanging Serene Hues of Blue in a hallway or room that your office mates frequent. Its mixture of blues and greens will calm even new hires unaccustomed to the fast-paced culture of many offices.
Blue and green are associated with feelings of calm, peace, and restfulness. It's no surprise that in 2021, a soothing blue-green hue was named Color of the Year. Serene Hues of Blue takes things one step further with its white field of bright clouds sandwiched between the sky blue above and ocean blue-green below. Use this cloud lit by the sun's power to increase your energy while the more soothing tones deliver a deep sense of calm.
3. Use Nature as a Reward
Giving your all in an office is much easier if you keep a reward in mind. The reward doesn’t need to be a sports car or luxury vacation or some other far-off goal. Reminders of nature’s beauty and how you can return to it when the workday ends can get you through even the most brutal assignments.
Office wall art on canvas like Sunset Path will remind your team of all the beauty they can experience once quitting time rolls around. This path along the Ventura, California coast leading to a golden hour sunset, provides a jolt of vitality and stimulation. It reminds your team of their reward at the end of each day. This could be a walk in nature, dinner with family, drinks with friends, and so much more.
4. Forever Vacation
As with Sunset Path, a modern office art piece like Painted Island reminds us why we do what we do. At least five days a week, we spend half of our waking hours away from our loved ones. We do this to give them a good life, including magical moments like the first time your kids or grandkids saw the ocean.
Painted Island is a wonderful office wall art selection. The palms blowing in the wind under an energetic sunset on the island of Kauai brings you back to that first family vacation to the ocean. Perhaps you saw a similar lively yet peaceful scene after a long beach day before you and your family headed to an oceanside diner. It’s memories like these that fix themselves to a special place inside our hearts.
Give Painted Island a permanent place in your office as a reminder of why you work so hard.
5. Open Spaces, Open Mind
When it comes to problem-solving, the more open your mind is, the better. With an open mind, you are receptive to a wide array of ideas and solutions. On the other hand, when we are set in our ways and hold onto fixed ideas, our ability to think outside the box and solve complex problems diminishes.
All of us struggle with these fixed ideas, and in a stressful environment like the workplace, it’s all too easy when problems arise to dig in and use the same method that worked last time. But this time isn’t always like last time. That’s why we need an open mind. Hanging office wall art that displays wide open spaces like that represented in Bryce Canyon Sunrise will remind you of the endless possibilities of an open mind. Then, when it’s time to put out the next fire at work, you’ll come up with the right solution in no time.
6. The Promise of 5 P.M.
If the sun is in the west, sunset is near, and so is the promise of life outside of work. Even if you’re lucky enough to love what you do, you still cherish and long for time spent with loved ones. Inspirational office wall art like
C Street Sunset speaks to the workday’s end.
Just as the surfer walking in the vibrant beams of a setting sun is heading to his next adventure, soon too will you. It doesn’t matter if it’s 9 a.m. or 4:55 p.m., one glimpse at C Street Sunset will keep you attentive, motivated, and in the game until it’s your turn to live life beautifully outside the office.
Latitudes Gallery Is Here to Help
Whether it’s art for an office park or home office wall art, we’d love to help you find the perfect piece to keep you energized and focused on the task at hand. Fine art photography is so much more than beautiful scenes caught on camera. It has the power to inspire, calm, motivate, and more.
Please take a look at our complete photographic collection to find motivational office artwork that speaks to you. All pieces are artist signed and printed on luster paper, metal print, canvas, or wood, whichever you prefer.
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