Even photographing Kauai with all its natural beauty, can be a challenge. Im am frequently asked, how often I get out and shoot. Photography, like most professions has moments of absolute clarity, where images seem to appear effortlessly, a place where Mother Nature offers up her blessings willingly.
There are also many, many days where nothing seems to awake the creative blood running through my veins.
This last week was one such situation. Being that the Galleries have been shut down (due to Corona Virus), I have been pushing myself to make the most of the free time on offer, to get out and shoot. Unfortunately the creative side of the brain does not follow a schedule, it turns on and off without notice.
In an attempt to kick start a creative spark I decided to travel away from the dry, aqua blue waters of my home on the South Shore to the very lush, North Shore of Kauai.

Almost immediately, my attention became more focused. I found myself pulling over constantly, Images of beautiful color and composition were flowing freely across my cameras sensor. It seemed I had tapped into a possible reset button by simply changing my surroundings :)
Stay safe
Steve Munch