Unlock Your Heart
Valentine's Day is quickly approaching. For some, that strikes fear in their hearts, instead of inspiring love. I propose we change this tradition. Remove the mandatory roses, chocolate and impersonal card, and instead, unlock your heart. It is that simple. So often we put expectations on our loved ones, like they can read our minds. Surprise! They can't, and it sets us all up for failure. Why not set yourself up for success this year? Tell those you love, exactly what you need to feel loved and ask them to do the same. The answers might surprise you.
For me, words of kindness and simple gestures that remind me I was thought of, tells me that I am loved. For my husband of 15 years, it's acts of service and small surprises. He isn't one for extravagant gifts, but little love notes sprinkled throughout his day and going to his tool box to find it organized- that is what tells him that he is loved. This year I have given him a "14 days of love" banner. Each day is an envelope with a note, a small gift, an act of service, a date night, or a pre-arranged outing with his friends.
How do your loved ones know they are loved? Maybe it is about time you asked. We hope Latitudes Fine Art Gallery is part of the key to unlocking your hearts.
If you need help thinking of big and small surprises, stop by the gallery. We love making our "Latitudes Family" happy.