First Friday Ventura- June 3rd Exhibit- "Oceans Alive"
In honor of World Oceans Day, on June 8th, we are highlighting some of our favorite marine life images, to bring awareness to these fantastic creatures. Sea Lions, Sea Stars, Pelicans, Dolphins, Orcas, Gray and Humpback whales are just a few of the diverse animals that live right off our Ventura County shores. We will also be featuring our underwater sound and video footage. The “Oceans Alive” featured exhibit will start on First Friday, June 3, and be on display all month long.
First Friday Ventura Exhibit Opening Reception Friday, June 3, 2016 from 6pm-9pm. Latitudes Fine Art Gallery 401 E. Main St. Ventura, CA 93001 805-642-5257 www.LatitudesFineArt.com