Join Us in Celebrating Our New Book! Latitudes "Inspirations" Hardcover Book of Photographs
2020 has taught us to learn new ways of doing some of the simplest things. We want so much to gather with you all and celebrate the arrival of our newest book, "Inspirations".
So join us in sharing this occasion with our Latitudes Family-
quarantine style.
Get your Latitudes book by your side, gather your favorite treats and whip up our Signature Event Cocktail, because it's virtual party time!
5:30 pm PST Cocktail Mingle:
live music & poetry readings from the book
live music & poetry readings from the book
6:00 - 6:45 pm PST
Storytelling and Q&A with Stephanie & Steve
Storytelling and Q&A with Stephanie & Steve

We can't wait to celebrate with you.
Order your copy of Latitudes "Inspirations"
Get into the party spirit with our Event Signature Cocktail:
Watermelon Rosé Margarita
mocktail substitutions:
10 ounces of orange-ade, or sparkling Lemon-Limeade Spindrift substituted for Grand Marnier, Rosé and Tequila