“Great Art Does Not Have to Match Your Couch”
Busting Art Myths
Have you heard the saying? “Great art does not have to match your couch?”
I saw it printed on a tee shirt once, and I took it to heart. I thought, that’s probably true. (It was on a tee shirt after all.)
I mean an artist certainly isn’t painting the artwork to match your couch.
I guess if I could afford one of the great works of art, I wouldn’t be concerned about it matching my living room décor. Or would I?
I like things that match, or more correctly, I like when colors coordinate. I like balance in design.
Thankfully, that made learning about composition in photography easier for me to grasp.
Myth buster – No, art does not have to match your couch. But… it’s not wrong if you want it to.
And many of us do.
That should help take the intimidation out of purchasing art. Invest in what makes you happy. There isn’t a right or wrong in choosing the photographic art piece.
We want to make it easy for you. Try this: Go to the menu on our website and in the SEARCH MENU type a color, like blue, and watch what happens.

Isn’t that cool? Already you’ve narrowed down the color. Whether you choose coastal art, whales or dolphins, sunsets, or fields of poppies for your wall décor, you’ve made a start toward decorating your space with photographic art.
ARE YOU READY for the pièce de résistance? Call, text, or email our in-house designer to create a FREE wall mock-up using a photo you take (with your phone) of the wall where you believe you want the art to hang. Our designer will create a PREVIEW of how the photograph will look on your wall.

And if it’s over your couch, you can see it at the size that will give the artwork the most impact, not too big, not to small, just right.
Best of all, you can decide if you want it to match your couch or not!